- Leagues
- Irish Universities and Colleges Hockey Association Chilean Cup, Irish Universities and Colleges Hockey Association Chilean Cup 5-7 Playoff, Irish Universities and Colleges Hockey Association Chilean Plate
- Seasons
- 2022
(5th-7th Playoff)
2:00 pmUL Ladies vs UG Ladies |
(5th-7th Playoff)
5:45 pmUL Ladies vs TCD Ladies |
11:30 amUL Ladies vs DCU Ladies |
[1] Hockey Ireland (2022) EYHL Results [Internet] Available from:Â https://hockey.ie/competitions-2/results/ Â [Accessed 19 October 2022]
[2] Hockey Ireland (2022) 2022 Intervarsity Competitions – This Weekend 29th and 30th October [Internet] Available from:Â https://hockey.ie/competitions-2/eyhl/eyhl-table/#tab-id-2 [Accessed 19 October 2022]