Other Football

Other forms of American Gridiron Football exist as well as the well-known National Football League. This is the Eirball Index Page to the Results and Standings and Records of Irish-born Players, Coaches and Personnel in Canadian Football, Arena Indoor Football, Women’s Football, American 7s, Flag Football, Beach Football, Wheelchair Football and Robot Football.

Canadian Football

This is an index page to the history of the results and tables of Canadian Football – the Canadian Football League, Canadian Junior Football League, Canadian Semi-Pro State League and U Sport (Canadian University Football). Where possible an Irish link has been found – for example American Football Ireland teams v Football Canada teams, Irish-born players in the Canadian Leagues, or simply just a team with an Irish name, such as Queen’s University Gaels in Kingston, Ontario. After the brief preamble explaining the differences between Canadian and American Football, and the common origins of both in a game played between McGill University (Montreal) and Harvard University (Massachusetts), the reader will find links to the results and tables of the Football Canada Leagues (CFL, CJFL, Semi-Pro Provincial Leagues, and U Sport).

There are 4 main versions of Gridiron Football: the traditional 11v11 game played in USA, a 12v12 version of the game played in Canada, and a 8v8 version of the game played Indoors on converted Ice Hockey Arenas.


[1] Professional Football Researchers Association (2011) “No Christian End!” The Early History of Professional Football. pg. 23-32. PFRA Publications. Connecticut.

American Football Ireland v Football Canada

American Football Ireland v Football Canada

Canadian U21 Teams International:

Canadian U20 & High School Gridiron Football Teams in Ireland 2012-2013

Irish American Football Teams v Canadian U21 Teams 2002-2013

Canadian Semi-Pro Provincial Leagues International:

Irish American Football Teams v Canadian Semi-Pro Teams 1994-1995

Picture Credit: [7] Irish American Football Association (2013) Bristol (White) and Greendell (Green) at Tallaght Stadium [Internet] Available from:https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/gbowl8-650×487.jpg [Accessed 8 November 2019]

Canadian Football League Major Era 1956-Present

CFL 1956-Present

The 12v12 version of the game played in Canada differs from American Football not only in the number of players allowed on the field at any one time (12 in a Canadian Football team versus 11 in an American Football team), but also in the size of the field (a Canadian Football field is 110 yards long with two 20-yard endzones, while an American Football field is 100 yards long with two 15 yard endzones). Canadian Football teams also have only three downs (attempts) in which to gain 10 yards or the ball is turned over as opposed to four downs in American Football. There is also the possibility of scoring a “Rouge” in Canadian Football – this happens when the ball is kicked through the back of the endzone, and is worth one point.

Grey Cup

Canadian Football League Grey Cup Champions 1909-Present

Canadian Football League (Overviews):

Canadian Football League 2001-2009

Canadian Football League 1993-1995

Canadian Football League 1956-1960

Canadian Football League (Seasons):2020 2019 

Canadian Football League (Preseasons): 2021 2019

Canadian Football League Timelines:

Canadian Football League Timeline 1873-2021

Canadian Football League Timeline 1869-present

Canadian Football League Expansion 1869-present

Picture Credit: Shutterstock / Scott Prokop (2008) REGINA – OCT 25: Canadian Football League game featuring the Saskatchewan Roughriders and Edmonton Eskimoes. October 25, 2008 in Regina, Canada. [Internet] Available from: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/regina-oct-25-canadian-football-league-45333349 [Accessed 4 May 2021]

Canadian Rugby Union (1909-1956)

CRU 1909-1956

The Interprovincial Rugby Football Union (IRFU), the Big Four (Hamilton Tigers, Toronto Argonauts, Ottawa Rough Riders and Montreal Football Club), The Grey Cup was donated in 1909 by the Earl of Grey, for which only Canadian Rugby Union members may play for. The CFL’s version of the Super Bowl, and since the 1950s has been in the sole possession of the CFL, when the sport broke away from the Canadian Rugby Union and formed its own League, with the Cup dating back to the late-nineteenth century.

Canadian Football is 12-a-side as opposed to 11-a-side in standard American Football, with a 110-yard field, with two 20-yard endzones (whereas in American Football it is 100-yards long with two 15-yard endzones). in Canadian Football teams also have only three downs (attempts) in which to gain 10 yards before the ball is turned over as opposed to 4 in American Football. There is also the “Rouge” – 1 Point scored when the ball is kicked out the back of the endzone.

Canadian Rugby Union 1909-1956

Canadian Rugby Union (Canadian Football) 1946-1955

Canadian Rugby Union (Canadian Football) 1916-1919

Canadian Rugby Union (Canadian Football) 1907-1915

Picture Credit: [3] Kids Encyclopedia facts | Kiddle (2019) Canadian Football League League facts for Kids [Internet] Available from: https://kids.kiddle.co/images/a/a3/CFL_Logo_1960%27s.png [Accessed 9 June 2019]

people playing american football

Early Canadian Football 1861-1909

Early Canadian Football 1861-1909

The 12 players per team dates to 1874 when McGill University from Montreal challenged Harvard University in Massachusetts to two games of Football – one under Harvard’s American Rules, and one under McGill’s Rugby rules. At the time Soccer (Association Football) was favoured in USA Colleges, and Harvard had continued to play by “Boston Rules” (an early version of the game played in Boston). Canadian Football at the time favoured Rugby rules. Only 12 players made the trip to Harvard for the game from McGill, and as well as both Universities favouring the smaller number of players (there is 15 on a Rugby team), Harvard liked the idea of a Touchdown, as used in the Canadian Rugby version of the game. From then on the Harvard-McGill rules won out in both USA and Canada over Rugby and Soccer (with 12 players in Canada and 11 in USA). [For References see The Early History of Professional Football by the Professional Football Researchers Association – see [1] under Bibliography.

Canadian Rugby Union

Canadian Rugby Union 1898-1906

Canadian Rugby Football Union

Canadian Rugby Union Senior Champions 1892-1908

Canadian Rugby Football Union Senior Champions 1884-1887

Canadian Rugby (Football) University v Toronto 1875

CRFU (Results): 1887 1886 1885 1884

Ontario Rugby Football Union

ORFU (Results): 1891 1890 1889 1888 1883

Quebec Rugby Football Union

QRFU (Results): 1891 1890 1889 1888 1883

Picture Credit: Pexels Free Photos

selective focus photography of man holding nike football ball

U Sport (Canadian University Football)

U Sport

Irish-Born Canadian College players

Patrick J Fogarty Irish-born US and Canadian College Football Player 1914-1917

RSEQ (Réseau du sport étudiant du Québec )

RSEQ (Réseau du sport étudiant du Québec) University Football 1987-1990

RSEQ University Football (Seasons): 2019

Picture Credit: Pexels Free Photos

Canadian Junior Football League (2nd Level)


The Canadian Bowl is the Championship Game of the Canadian Junior Football League (CJFL), the second level of Canadian Football. It was first played in 1907 as the Canadian Rugby Union (CRU) Junior Championship, becoming the Leader-Post Trophy in 1925. After one year in 1947 as the Evergreen Bowl it became the Leader-Post Trophy again. It was known as the Leader-Post Trophy until 1976, two years after the Canadian Rugby Union (CRU) was renamed the Canadian National Junior Football League (CNJFL), when the Trophy was rebranded the Armadale Cup. It was again renamed in 1989, this time as the Canadian Bowl, seven years after the CNJFL became the Canadian Junior Football League (CJFL).

Canadian Bowls

Canadian Junior Football League Canadian Bowl 1989-Present

Canadian National Junior Football League Armadale Cup 1976-1988

Canadian Amateur Football Association Leader-Post Trophy 1947-1975

Canadian Rugby Union (Canadian Football) Junior Championship 1907-1925

Canadian Junior Football League (1982-Present)

Canadian Junior Football League Canadian Bowl 1989-Present

Canadian Junior Football League (Overviews)

Canadian Junior Football League | Ontario Conference 2014-2019

Canadian Junior Football League | Prairie Conference 2014-2019

Canadian Junior Football League | British Columbia Conference 2014-2019

Canadian Junior Football League (Seasons): 2019

Picture Credit: [Canada 3] Canadian Junior Football League | Facebook (2011) CJFL Profile Picture: March 3, 2011 [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/s720x720/172369_166507693399012_2554406_o.jpg?_nc_cat=108&_nc_eui2=AeEmInrSy7Bp5Q4nj_j07-ZNBsVadK5KjxZ41fzEaVCISv70yVik13v0v3zYpBxRgsfUNu-p8l9wNdwiUtbFgjxmLVz-GqrX6CXGQ0Q1t3vEOg&_nc_ohc=qW-lYWvPX78AQld50UAOtsqMmpIdM9heSa3xodVrfPzv-6YUYkLSkRtlA&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=6d635c510b3954231714cee2128f1767&oe=5E6D4BE8%5BAccessed 20 December 2019]

Canadian Junior Football 1966-1981

CNJFL 1974-1981; CAFA 1967-1973

Canadian National Junior Football League (1974-1981)

Canadian National Junior Football League Armadale Cup 1976-1988

Canadian Amateur Football Association (1967-1973)

Canadian Amateur Football Association Leader-Post Trophy 1947-1975

Canadian Amateur Football Association Ontario Junior Football Conference 1967-1973

Picture Credit: [6] Canadian Junior Football League (2021) CanadianBowlTrophy[Internet] Available from: https://cdn1.sportngin.com/attachments/photo/8099/3058/CanadianBowlTrophy.jpg [Accessed 4 January 2021]

football player holding football

Canadian Rugby Union Junior Divisions 1907-1966

Add your job title

Canadian Rugby Union (1947-1966)

Canadian Rugby Union (Canadian Football) | Big Four Football 1947-1956

Canadian Rugby Union Junior Divisions (1907-1946)

Canadian Rugby Union (Canadian Football) Junior Championship 1907-1925

Picture Credit: Pexels Free Photos

Canadian Provincial Football Leagues (3rd Level)

Canadian Provincial Football Leagues

Maritime Canada

Atlantic Football League

Atlantic Football League Moosehead Cup Champions 2009-Present

Atlantic Football League 2016-2019

Maritime Football League

Maritime Football League (Canada) 2015-2019


Quebec Major Junior Football League 2011-2019

Northern Ontario & Quebec

Northern Football Conference 2015-2019


Alberta Football League (Seasons): 2019

Picture Credit: [11] Northern Football Conference (2016) Cropped NFC Logo [Internet] Available from: http://nfcfootball.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/cropped-NFC-logo.png [Accessed 20 December 2019]

Canadian Football Leagues Internationals

CFL v NFL & AFL; Irish Teams v Canadian Teams;

Canadian Football League Internationals:

National Football League Preseason Matches in Canada 1960-1969

National Football League v Canadian Football League 1950-1961

Canadian Football League v American Football League Matches 1941-1948

American Football League International 1926

Canadian Semi-Pro Provincial Leagues International:

Irish American Football Teams v Canadian Semi-Pro Teams 1994-1995

Canadian U21 Teams International:

Canadian U20 & High School Gridiron Football Teams in Ireland 2012-2013

Irish American Football Teams v Canadian U21 Teams 2002-201

Picture Credit: [2] Ninety-Nine Yards, Chris Lawton (2020) An International Fixture: When the CFL played teams from other leagues [Internet] Available from: https://i0.wp.com/ninetynineyards.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/04/ezgif.com-webp-to-jpg.jpg?w=824 [Accessed 14 May 2020]

Mexican American Football

From the first College Championship in the 1930s to the most recent Professional League: Liga de Futbol Americano, the history of American Football in Mexico is the longest in the World outside of USA and Canada. This is a record of 11v11 American Football: for the Arena Indoor (8v8) version of the game which is more popular in Mexico than anywhere else see: Arena Indoor Football; For all Women’s American Football including Mexican Women’s Football see: Women’s American Football; For Flag Football see: Flag Football World

Mexican Pro-Leagues


Major Mexican American Football Leagues

Liga Futbol Americano (Mexico) 2016-2019

Liga Football Americano (Mexico) (Seasons):

2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

AAA Mexican American Football Leagues:

Futbol Americano de Mexico 2019-Present

Futbol Americano (Mexico) Asociacion 2014-2016

Futbol Americano de Mexico (Seasons):

2021 2020 2019

Futbol Americano (Mexico) Asociacion FAMA (Seasons):

2016 2014

Organisation Mexicano de Futbol Americano OMFA Pro (seasons):

2013 2011 2010

Liga Nacional Master (seasons):


Picture Credit: [1] Liga Football Americano Mexico (2019) LFA 2018 Logo [Internet] Available from: https://i1.wp.com/lfa.mx/2018/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/LFAlogonew.png?fit=734%2C734&ssl=1 %5BAccessed 1 August 2018]

ONEFA & Junior Colleges


ONEFA (Mexican Universities & Junior Colleges)

ONEFA Liga Mayor (Major League)

ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia de los Diez Grandes (ONEFA Mexico Major League Big 10) 1996-1999

ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia Diez Grandes (Big 10 Mexico) 2003-2004

ONEFA Liga Mayor (Seasons): 2019

OEFA Baja California

OEFA College (20-25 y.o.): OEFA College Bowls (Baja California College Football) 2004-2015

OEFA Varsity (17-19 y.o.) (Seasons): 2019

Picture Credit: [2] ONEFA (2020) ONEFA Logo [Internet] Available from: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/PpcJl5QlfPoMSO4T5EdZd4ou8LwusCaoqw0_cjYcC2_CTplUWHkQJTa9S-DKMPI-FrkqeXFWoppz6Rha95yr [Accessed 11 May 2020]

CONADEIP Mexican Private Colleges


CONADEIP Primera Fuerza (Premier League)

CONADEIP Primera Fuerza (Mexican College American Football) 2013-2014

CONADEIP (Seasons): 2019-20

CONADEIP Categoria Juvenil Finals

CONADEIP Categoria Juvenil (Mexican Junior College Football) Finals 2013-Present

CONADEIP Categoria Juvenil (Junior College)

CONADEIP Categoria Juvenil (Mexican Junior College Football) 2015-2016

[3] CONADEIP (2019) logo [Internet] Available from: http://conadeipfba.org.mx/images/logo.png [Accessed 15 December 2019]

Mexican American Football

From the first College Championship in the 1930s to the most recent Professional League: Liga de Futbol Americano, the history of American Football in Mexico is the longest in the World outside of USA and Canada. This is a record of 11v11 American Football: for the Arena Indoor (8v8) version of the game which is more popular in Mexico than anywhere else see: Arena Indoor Football; For all Women’s American Football including Mexican Women’s Football see: Women’s American Football; For Flag Football see: Flag Football World

Mexican Pro-Leagues


Major Mexican American Football Leagues:

Liga Futbol Americano (Mexico) 2016-2019

Liga Football Americano (Mexico) (Seasons): 2020 2019 2017 2016

AAA Mexican American Football Leagues:

Futbol Americano de Mexico 2019-Present

Futbol Americano (Mexico) Asociacion 2014-2016

Futbol Americano de Mexico (Seasons): 2021 2020 2019

Organisation Mexicano de Futbol Americano OMFA Pro (seasons): 2011 2010

Picture Credit: [1] Liga Football Americano Mexico (2019) LFA 2018 Logo [Internet] Available from: https://i1.wp.com/lfa.mx/2018/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/LFAlogonew.png?fit=734%2C734&ssl=1 %5BAccessed 1 August 2018]

ONEFA & Junior Colleges


ONEFA (Mexican Universities & Junior Colleges)

ONEFA Liga Mayor (Major League)

ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia de los Diez Grandes (ONEFA Mexico Major League Big 10) 1996-1999

ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia Diez Grandes (Big 10 Mexico) 2003-2004

OEFA Baja California

OEFA College (20-25 y.o.): OEFA College Bowls (Baja California College Football) 2004-2015

OEFA Varsity (17-19 y.o.) (Seasons): 2019

Picture Credit: [2] ONEFA (2020) ONEFA Logo [Internet] Available from: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/PpcJl5QlfPoMSO4T5EdZd4ou8LwusCaoqw0_cjYcC2_CTplUWHkQJTa9S-DKMPI-FrkqeXFWoppz6Rha95yr [Accessed 11 May 2020]

CONADEIP Mexican Private Colleges


CONADEIP Primera Fuerza (Premier League)

CONADEIP Primera Fuerza (Mexican College American Football) 2013-2014

CONADEIP (Seasons): 2019-20

CONADEIP Categoria Juvenil Finals

CONADEIP Categoria Juvenil (Mexican Junior College Football) Finals 2013-Present

CONADEIP Categoria Juvenil (Junior College)

CONADEIP Categoria Juvenil (Mexican Junior College Football) 2015-2016

[3] CONADEIP (2019) logo [Internet] Available from: http://conadeipfba.org.mx/images/logo.png [Accessed 15 December 2019]

Arena Indoor Football

Arena Indoor Football

About Arena Indoor Football

This version of American (or Gridiron) Football has become extremely popular in Mexico.

Indoor Football, also known as Arena Football was developed in 1986 as an 8v8 form of Indoor American Football. After an initial few seasons where the game was developed with a 4 team league, a full seasons League with eventually over a dozen teams was developed in the 1990 which was considered by the Wall Street Journal to be a fifth major.

The Arena Football League over-expanded in the 2000s with a Minor League, and its importance (and number of teams) waned since it first experienced financial diffulties  in 2009, and it ceased operations after the 2019 season due to the legacy debt incurred.

There is now, however, Indoor Football Leagues all over America, all of which would now be considered Minor League or Semi-Pro (AAA, AA, or even A)

Indoor Football is played on a 50-yard field with two 8-yard endzones, and teams have 5 downs (attempts) to reach the endzone or the ball is turned over. 3 of those downs must be passing plays, making Indoor Football highly explosive and high scoring.

The main difference between Arena Football & Indoor Football is the rebound nets either side of the goalposts in Arena Football, which is the only part of the original patent given to the Arena Football League in 1989, that a subsequent ruling in 1998 ruled was copyright, the rest being Football already in other leagues.

Note: For Women’s Indoor Football Leagues, including both Serious Leagues such as the Super 8 Football League in Baja California (Mexico) and Lingerie/Legends Football Leagues (where the Women wear sexy apparel) see Women’s American Football

Note 2: The American grading system for Pro Leagues is 1. Major League, 2. AAA League, 3. AA League, 4. A League, 5. Semi-Pro State Leagues.

Equivalent to 1. Premier League / Major League Soccer, 2. EFL/USL Championship, 3. EFL/USL League 1, 4. EFL/USL League 2, and 5. National League/NPSL in the English and American Soccer System.

Note 3: League in Bold sometimes considered Major Football Leagues.

AAA Arena Football Leagues


Arena Football League (Major National Leagues):

Arena Football League Arena Bowls 1987-2019

Arena Football League 2016-2019

Arena Football League 2010-2015

Arena Football League 2001-2008

Arena Football League 1992-2000

Arena Football League 1987-1991

Arena Football League (Seasons): 2019

Picture Credit: [3] Arena Football League (2019) Arena Football League Reveals New Logo [Internet] Available from: https://snagfilms-a.akamaihd.net/0000015a-a977-d135-adda-fb7fb65f0000/images/c3/b8/20eb27b6418aa78b71d4679d2988/1545950679236_1545950297199_viewliftarticle_16x9images_16x9Images.png [Accessed 17 September 2019]

AA Arena Indoor Football Leagues (West)


Leagues taking in the West, and parts of the South & Midwest that are west of the Mississippi.

AA Western Indoor Football Leagues (Overviews):

Indoor Football League 2013-Present

Indoor Football League 2009-2012

Professional Indoor Football League 1998-2001

Indoor Football League (Seasons):2019 2020 2021

Picture Credit: [4] Indoor Football League (2019) image_handler [Internet] Available from: https://goifl.com/common/controls/image_handler.aspx?thumb_id=0&image_path=/images/2020/12/3/ifl_map_2022_30.png  [Accessed 26 February 2021]

National Arena League Logo

AA Arena Indoor Football Leagues (East)

National Arena League

AA Arena / Indoor Football Leagues (East)

Leagues taking in the Northeast and parts of the Midwest & South that are East of the Mississippi.

AA Eastern Indoor Football Leagues (Overviews):

National Arena League 2017-Present

Professional Indoor Football League 2012-2015

American Indoor Football 2012-2016 

American Indoor Football Association 2007-2010

National Arena League (Seasons): 2019 2020

Picture Credit:

AA Indoor Football Leagues (Mid-West)


Leagues primarily located in the Midwest but also taking in parts of the Atlantic, West & Texas.

American Arena League 2018-Present

Champions Professional Indoor Football League 2013-2014

Continental Indoor Football League 2007-2012

United Indoor Football 2005-2008

Indoor Football League 2000

American Arena League (Seasons):2021

Picture Credit: [9] Champions Indoor Football (2019) logo [Internet] Available from: http://gocif.net/images/logo.png %5BAccessed  26 November 2019]

AA Indoor Football Leagues (South)


Southern Indoor Football Leagues (Overviews):

Leagues primarily located in the South but also taking in parts of the Northeast & Midwest.

X-League Indoor Football 2014-2015

Lone Star Football League 2012-2014

Southern Indoor Football League 2009-2011

Intense Football League 2004-2008

Elite Indoor Football (Seasons): 2021

National Gridiron League (Seasons):2020

Picture Credit: [3] Supreme Indoor Football Twitter (2017) Profile Picture [Internet] Available from: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/632384925950341121/fcRIgzt5_400x400.png [Accessed 19 February 2020]

Champions Indoor Football

A Arena Indoor Football Leagues

Texas; North West; California & South West; South East

California & South West

Super 8 Football League West Coast 2016-Present (*Also see NW Mexico-Southwest USA)

Pacific North West

American West Football Conference (Seasons): 2021 2020 2019 

South East

United Arena League (Seasons): 2021

Supreme Indoor Football 2017

Texas & Prairie States

Champions Indoor Football 2015-Present

Champions Indoor Football (Seasons): 2021 2020 2019 

Mexican Arena Indoor Leagues


Liga Extrema se Football Arena (LEXFA)

LEXFA season Standings (All Arena Divisions): 2019

LEXFA Spring / Primavera (All Arena Division Standings): 2020

Liga Extrema de Football Arena Mexico

Lega Extrema de Fútbol Arena México (LEXFA) Division I Otoño 2013-2019

Liga Extrema de Football Arena Mexico (LEXFA) Autumn Division II 2013-2016

LEXFA Zona Golfo de Mexico (Seasons): Spring 2013

LEXFA Zone Occidente (Seasons): Spring 2013

Picture Credit: [1] LEXFA Wayback Machine (2020) Lexfa-ORO-2 [Internet] Available from: https://arenafootball.com.mx/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Lexfa-ORO-2.png [Accessed 8 August 2020]


Baja California; California; Nevada; Texas

Baja California (Arena):

Super 8 Football League Baja 2012-Present

Baja Series (Seasons): 2019

West Coast (Arena):

Super 8 Football League West Coast 2016-Present

West Coast Series (Seasons): 2020

Baja-California-Nevada Tournaments (Arena / Outdoor):

Super 8 Football League Bowls & Tournaments 2010-Present

Super 8 Football League Tournaments (Seasons):

Winter Bowl 2014Copa Tijuana 2017Battle 4 San Diego 2019Eight Man Outdoor 2020 , Arena League 2020

Picture Credit: [5] Super 8 Football League (2018) Super 8 Football League Logo [Internet] Available from: http://super8footballleague.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/10378207_1545248759045177_2010222216677056541_n.jpg [Accessed 20 July 2019]

World Arena Football Leagues


Arena and Indoor Football Leagues located outside of the USA.

World Arena Leagues (Standings and Playoffs)

China Arena Football League 2016-2019

China Arena Football League (Results)


FIAF Italian Federation of American Football (Bowl Results)

Federazione Italiana American Football FIAF Winter League Snowbowl 1992-2002


Picture Credit: [10] China Arena Football League (2019) CAFL 2019 Competition Medal [Internet] Available from: http://caflfootball.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/CAFL-2019-Competition-Medal-768×768.png [Accessed 10 December 2019]

Fan Controlled Football (7v7)


Fan Controlled Football (Seasons): 2021

Picture Credit: [1] Fan Controlled Football League Facebook (2021) Profile Picture, 19 September 2020 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/FCFL/photos/a.1232640490095873/3913614228665139/ [Accessed 28 February 2021]

American 7s

The idea for American 7s came to Ryan DePaul late in 2002. His High School Football playing career was over and there was no possibility of playing College Football. He was playing pick-up, no pads or helmet football in parks and thought it needed codifying, so in 2005 he began to develop 7v7 No Pads, No Helmet, Tackle American Football.

In 2014 he was approached by lifelong friend and entrepreneur, Sener Korkusuz about launching the League to Major League level. Soon afterwards the American 7s Football League was born, starting its first season in March 2015. [Ref: 1]

The idea for American 7s came to Ryan DePaul late in 2002. His High School Football playing career was over and there was no possibility of playing College Football. He was playing pick-up, no pads or helmet football in parks and thought it needed codifying, so in 2005 he began to develop 7v7 No Pads, No Helmet, Tackle American Football.

In 2014 he was approached by lifelong friend and entrepreneur, Sener Korkusuz about launching the League to Major League level. Soon afterwards the American 7s Football League was born, starting its first season in March 2015. [Ref: 1]

American 7s

American 7s Football League

American 7s Football League (Overview):

American 7s Football League 2015-2019

American 7s Football League (Seasons): 2021 2020

Pixture Credit: [4] A7FL Facebook (2020) Photo, August 22, 2020 [Internet] Available from: https://i0.wp.com/www.a7fl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/A7FLBackInMotionFINAL.png?resize=294%2C300&ssl=1 [Accessed 12 September 2020]

References: [1] A7FL (2020) About [Internet] Available from: https://www.a7fl.com/about-a7fl/ [Accessed 23 May 2020]

Early Gridiron (1862-2019)

Gridiron is another name for American Football because in its early days the field was marked out in a grid pattern.

Early Pro American Football (1890-1919)

The first Pro american Football League was the Western Pennsylvania Pro Football Circuit in the Pittsburgh and surrounding Coal-Mining areas. The Leagues were unofficial, and the players paid under the counter. The first Word series was held in 1901, actually a five-team tournament, and that lasted two seasons. In 1903 the Ohio League became the first League to Officially pay players and when that League saw players salaries spiral due to competition from other teams for their services, four Ohio League teams joined forces with teams from Pennsylvania and Upstate New York to form the American Professional Football Association in 1920, which in 1922 changed its name to the National Football League, the Major League we know today. Canton is home to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, and the NFL Preseason opens there with the latest induction of Hall of Fame players in honour of the Canton Bulldogs, prime players in the Ohio League and formation of the NFL.

Gridiron is another name for American Football because in its early days the field was marked out in a grid pattern.

Early Pro American Football (1890-1919)

The first Pro american Football League was the Western Pennsylvania Pro Football Circuit in the Pittsburgh and surrounding Coal-Mining areas. The Leagues were unofficial, and the players paid under the counter. The first Word series was held in 1901, actually a five-team tournament, and that lasted two seasons. In 1903 the Ohio League became the first League to Officially pay players and when that League saw players salaries spiral due to competition from other teams for their services, four Ohio League teams joined forces with teams from Pennsylvania and Upstate New York to form the American Professional Football Association in 1920, which in 1922 changed its name to the National Football League, the Major League we know today. Canton is home to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, and the NFL Preseason opens there with the latest induction of Hall of Fame players in honour of the Canton Bulldogs, prime players in the Ohio League and formation of the NFL.

Early Gridiron

World Series of Pro Football; Pennsylvania League; Ohio League

World Series of Pro Football

World Series of Pro Football 1902-1903

World Series of Football (Seasons): 1902 1903

Pennsylvania League

Western Penn Pro Football Circuit (Seasons): 1895 1896

National Football League (Seasons): 1902

Ohio League

Ohio League | Champions 1903-1919

Ohio League 1915-1919 (Irish Players)

Ohio League (Seasons): 1904 1905

Picture Credit: 1920s football action. Thousands of spectators watch from double decker stadium seats. By Everett Collection[Shutterstock]

Failed American Football Leagues

Throughout the 100-plus year history of Professional American Football rival leagues to the NFL have risen and fallen, and while most manage at least one season there are those which fail to even start – this is an index page to the brief history of those leagues.

Failed Major Leagues (1917-Present)

Failed Major Leagues

Most of these Leagues, however, have failed to even start their first season, have defrauded investors, or just suffered from a lack of mainstream publicity in the Internet Era with so much Football and other sports available to view online.

X-League Extreme Football League 2020 (L)

Pacific Pro Football 2020

Major League Football 2020

Freedom Football League 2020

American Patriot League 2018-2020

Trinity Professional Spring Football League 2018

North American Football League 2016

Fan Ownership League 2001

International Football Federation 2000

Professional Spring Football League 1993

International League of American Football 1990

World Indoor Football League 1988

Intercontinental Football League 1974-1975

Pro Football League 1917

PIcture Credit: [1] X-League Extreme Football League (2020) Schedule [Internet] Available from: https://extfl.com/schedule/ [Accessed 24 January 2020]

Irish North American Football Teams

A number of American Football Teams in the United States of America were founded or run by Irish-Americans, with Irish-American, or Irish-born players prominent among their personnel.

Early Pro American Football Teams (1892-1919)

Youngstown Patricians

Youngstown Patricians are notable for having wrested the World Championship in 1915 from the Washington Vigilants who had won 90 of their previous 94 matches since 1907, and had only been defeated three times in that period, all by College All-Star teams after they had finished training for the season (at the time College Football was still better than Pro Football). Youngstown were founded in the St. Patrick’s neighborhood of this Northeast Ohio City (near Cleveland) in 1914.

Youngstown Patricians (Ohio) Irish-American Football Team 1914-1920

Picture Credit: Picture Credit: 1920s football action. Hundreds of spectators watch from stadium seats. Everett Collection [Sutterstock]

American Football Timelines

These Timelines are a record of teams from the first to last that have played in each Major or AAA Professional American Football League, or Irish American Football League.

Major League Teams Predictions

Major American Football leagues

Major American Football League Teams Predictions

Major American Football Leagues Prediction 2040

World American Football Leagues Scenario 2033

World Football Leagues Prediction 2040

World Football League Proposal 2050

Indoor Football Leagues Prediction 2040

Fantasy League Prediction Timelines

Major League Gridiron Teams 1873-2022

Picture credit: [1]

Picture Credit:

[1] World League of American Football (2018) download [Internet] Available from:  Accessed 23 April 2018]